After a brilliant debut with Popville, Anouk Boisrobert and Louis Rigaud confirm in this second book the talent that has been unanimously recognized by international critics. This time, with the participation of Sophie Strady, author of the poetic text that we find in this book, which starts like this: Everything is green, everything is life in the forest of the sloth. The birds chirp, the cats curl up in the shade of the palm trees, the anteaters suck up insects as if through a straw… and the sloth – can you see it? (…) Do you see her?, the question repeated on almost every page, the question that echoes and invites us to enter into a game of discovery of a real world of details of the Amazonian fauna and flora. Transformed into explorers, we look for a sloth, a helpless animal, oblivious to the imminent destruction carried out by the loggers’ noisy machines.